babbling brook中文什么意思

发音:   用"babbling brook"造句
[网络] 潺潺之溪;潺潺流水;长舌妇
  • babbling:    胡说的; 混串音; 牙牙学语; 咿呀 ...
  • brook:    n. 溪流,小河。 adj. -li ...
  • babbling curse:    饶舌咒
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  1. "do not cry, little kittens, " said humpty dumpty . " this morning i saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the babbling brook .
  2. and when friends come over, or if you want to relax, you can choose a scene to go along with the light-green vines, white clouds and babbling brooks which change with the light source, appearing on the ceiling or floor


  1. babblements 什么意思
  2. babblery 什么意思
  3. babbles 什么意思
  4. babblin 什么意思
  5. babblin' 什么意思
  6. babbling brooks 什么意思
  7. babbling error 什么意思
  8. babblings 什么意思
  9. babblish 什么意思
  10. babbly 什么意思


父亲写给哈佛毕业生女儿的信:永远真实地活着! (双语)

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